Battlefield Biker™ is Dr. TJ Linzy’s Military History Center
I am an author of military history, I blog about military history, I make videos about military history, I podcast about military history, and I teach military history to young military professionals. Did I mention I love military history? I also like to ride motorcycles. 😉
The Battlefield Biker at the D-Day Beaches
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Your Personal Military History Center
Battlefield Biker is totally independent and praises and criticizes in equal measure. I truly believe competent, ethical, and compassionate warriors are the greatest agents for good in this world. They deserve a professional education that is not biased for or against them. You can get that here.
Non-Military Professionals Welcomed
I also believe that military history can be a vehicle for a greater understanding of how the world works. The actors in military history are no better than anyone else, but they have faced the ultimate test of life or death. This fundamental fact makes military history a great way to understand technology, society, religion, and culture. You are welcome at the Battlefield Biker Military History Center.