The multi-fuel SilentHawk Hybrid Special Forces Motorcycle in the works
Popular Science reports that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is working on an electric motorcycle that is super quiet and easily deployable and sustainable.
…DARPA, the Pentagon’s future projects wing, is funding the development of a versatile electric dirt bike, so that special forces can have as silent a ride as possible on two powered wheels. The bike is called “SilentHawk,” and after receiving the first prototype, DARPA liked to so much they asked for two more.
Collaboration on the SilentHawk Hybrid Special Forces Motorcycle
The SilentHawk is made in collaboration by Alta Motors and Logos Technologies. The team has expertise in lightweight and stealth technologies and commercial electric motorcycles. The SilentHawk will allow Special Forces operators to approach targets quickly with a much lower sound profile. After completion of the mission, they will be able to exfiltrate in a stealthy fashion as well.
The SilentHawk Hybrid Special Forces Motorcycle is highly sustainable in the field.
Although the purpose of the electric motorcycle is mission stealth, the bike also is highly versatile in using multiple forms of fuel, such as diesel, JP5/8 jet fuel, as well as conventional gasoline. This will allow operators to stay in the field longer and charge their myriad of technologies (GPS, radios, lasers, etc.) on the go using the Integrated mount and power interface for Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK) device. The ability to ride a generator is a big plus for those teams deployed into the wilds.
Less speed but also less BRRRAAAAPPP
The SilentHawk tops out at 80MPH and I suppose that is when it is not fully loaded like it will be most of the time. However, the 55 decibel sound signature compared to the 113 decibel signature of a standard, gasoline fueled dirt bike means that the SpecOps community can pass a village in the night with a sound that is no louder than a human conversation. With a range of 170 miles without refueling—including two hours in quiet mode on a single charge, the bike will become a staple of long-range reconnaissance patrols, I bet.
See the specifications of the SilentHawk on the Logos Technologies website. From the Logos Technologies PDF;
SilentHawk combines Alta Motors’ high-performance RedShift MX electric motorcycle with a multi-fuel hybrid system developed by Logos Technologies. The hybrid-electric prototype can run for up to 170 miles without refueling—including two hours in quiet mode on a single charge. In addition, the multi-fuel engine would provide flexibility as well as the option to acquire fuel duringa mission. The hybrid design allows the user to quickly transform SilentHawk into a lighter, electric-only vehicle if needed. In either configuration, SilentHawk maintains its superiorall-terrain handling.
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